martes, 24 de enero de 2017

No quiero que creas en mi. Quiero que creas en ti

De todos los errores, el mas costoso es el no creer en uno mismo. Cuando no crees en ti mismo existe una desconexión grande con el centro de tu ser, lo que viene siendo el lugar donde se encuentra toda tu verdad. 

Si por algo sufrí fue por no haber creído en mi misma lo suficiente como para hablar cuando debí hacerlo, para marcharme cuando ya no tenía cabida en algún lugar y para exigir cuando lo que recibía eran migajas. Ese ha sido el error que mas caro me ha salido, pero el que mas enseñanza me ha dejado. 

Ahora que creo en mi es porque se quien soy, hacia donde me dirijo y de lo que soy capaz. Lo que alguna vez me atemorizaba ya no lo hace, y cuando el mundo exterior se vuelve agobiante yo simplemente vuelvo al único lugar que es realmente mi hogar, el centro de mi ser. 

El no creer en mi me secó a punta de lágrimas, pero ninguna en vano, puesto que cada lágrima derramada traía consigo un mensaje para mi, uno que me acercó a mi verdad. Es por eso que digo que valió la pena todo lo que costó, porque hoy creo en mi. 

Cuando crees en ti internamente sabes que tienes el poder de hacer lo que te corresponde, y como crees en ti lo haces. Creer en ti es actuar en armonía con tu ser. 

Por eso, mi intención no es que creas en mi, es meramente que creas en ti. Mi intención es que veas tu propia luz y te ilumines el camino con ella, yo sólo te muestro mi luz para que recuerdes que tienes la tuya propia. 

Cree en ti. 

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Love yourself, even in the darkness

The fact that you're living this situation now does not mean it's going to be like this all your life. Everything is constantly changing, the same way that your life is changing. Although you can not see it, this moment also has wonderful things for you, things to learn and something to teach.

Tranquility is your best defense, use it to live this moment calmly so you can look more clearly everything that life is offering to you, knowing that better experiences will come to you to experience. For now nurture yourself with experiences and learn to enjoy life with what you have in your hands right now, what comes next will be to be enjoyed later, for now just enjoy the moment.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

Tips to start enjoying the present while you are moving towards your goal

Even when we think things are not happening as we would like or perhaps is taking a little longer than we had planned, things in the end become true. And although it is difficult to understand, the truth is that what we have worked so hard for sooner or later will come to us.

Remember that although we are focused on what we love so much, it requires a lot of energy and people to achieve it. Because nothing is going to happen on its own. That's why is so important that while things have not materialize yet, enjoy the journey.

Sometimes we despair for something that we have or we have not yet received that we miss the opportunity to enjoy our present and everything it has with itself, like our family, friends, the place where we are, etc. But do not worry, you're not the only one who has felt that way nor is something unsolvable, the truth is that there are simple practices that can be done every day to start not only enjoy now, but knowing how to wait for the wonders that are coming to us.

viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

Honrar la libertad de otros para alcanzar la nuestra

Amamos la palabra libertad, siempre nos suena como algo bueno para ser/tener. Pero cuando se trata de permitirle a otros ser libres ya no nos gusta mucho. 

Libertad es la forma mas pura de amar, porque sólo cuando nos expresamos desde un punto de amor podemos permitir que la libertad exista. 
Libertad es la única manera de ser quien realmente somos, porque si estamos atados a algo fuera de nuestro ser no dejamos que nuestras almas se expresen de la manera en que deberían. Nos limitamos a nosotros mismos.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Be free and let others be free

Freedom is the word that has resonated the most in me in the last 6 months. For those who know me, you know the immense transformation that I have experienced, for those who do not, I will I tell you all about it, soon when my website is ready.

The fact is that life has put me face to face with my freedom, living situations where I had to open my wings and fly to overcome experiences, and sometimes with all the pain in my heart I had to let others expand their wings and catch flight (in some cases, has been to life I've had to let be free). In each of those experiences I realized that while I allowed myself to jump I could fly higher and got the opportunity to know another part of me, an Alessandra that surprises more and more everyday. However I still have much to learn about myself.

Even when freedom is the most important thing and I can tell you and please memorize this: "freedom is the purest form of love"